Join us on June 8th to Create Your Breakthrough!

Let go of what's holding you back to create the life you desire!

You're invited to an unforgettable event on June 8th, 2024!

Get ready for a transformative experience with Ray Ciafardini, Jr., your NLP coach and trainer.

This event is for anyone looking to make significant progress in their life.

What's in store for you:

    • Release Negative Emotional Baggage and Limiting Beliefs: Dive deep with powerful NLP strategies, Mental and Emotional Release® techniques, and hypnosis to free yourself from the burdens of the past. You'll learn to let go of those limiting beliefs holding you back.
    • Define Your Core Values: Gain clarity on what truly matters to you. In this session, you'll discover and define your most important values in a specific area of your life, giving you a more precise direction forward.
    • Craft Your Compelling Future: Leave with a solid plan to create what you desire. You'll get specific instructions on envisioning a future that motivates you to take action and realize your goals for this year and beyond.

This session is not just an event; it's the beginning of your journey toward a more fulfilling life.

Session Details

Date: June 8, 2024
Time: 12PM - 8 PM ET
Location: Online (Zoom)
    • General Admission: $349
    • NLP Group Coaching and Training Program Members: $299

Click the registration button to join us on June 8.

We're excited to see you there and participate in your transformation!
Jamie and My Coach Ray meeting on Zoom.

"Through the Breakthrough Session,
I discovered a side of happiness I never knew existed."
- Jamie G.

"I’ve always considered myself to be a happy and successful person. I have an amazing family, great friends, and a successful career - nothing to complain about. “Why would I need a Breakthrough Session?” you may ask. The truth is, I didn’t think I did! 

I [worked] for a fast-growing start-up company... If you’re familiar with the start-up lifestyle, you know. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It can also be a ton of work and very stressful. You are often wearing multiple hats and performing the job of what should [be] done by three employees. I loved and hated it at the you’re familiar with the start-up lifestyle, you know. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It can also be a ton of work and very stressful. You are often wearing multiple hats and performing the job of what should [be] done by three employees. I loved and hated it at the  same time. Work was my life... The idea of work-life balance felt impossible. This is when I decided to reach out to Ray for a free consultation... 

The actual Breakthrough Session was unlike anything I had ever experienced... I didn’t feel very different immediately after the session...

Over the next two weeks, I started noticing real changes. Not in the moment necessarily, but in my reflections. It would hit me later that my actions and/or reactions were very different than they had been in the past. It was surprising and exciting because it didn’t feel like I was actively trying to be different. I simply was different. Better. Happier. Unburdened.

I would recommend the Breakthrough Session to family, friends, and strangers alike. No matter what state you think your life is in, how happy you think you already are - I would recommend it just the same. Through the Breakthrough Session, I discovered a side of happiness I never knew existed."